Swoobie Bra Liner

Bra liners for boob sweat.

We've got you covered

Here at Swoobie we believe comfort should come in all sizes.
That’s why we offer a range of soft, absorbent bra liners to suit all your coverage needs.
Swoobies are designed to sit below the nipple to ensure a smooth bustline in close fitting garments.

Beauty Hacks

Add a tool to your beauty arsenal with soft and absorbent Swoobie bra liners.
Swoobie liners are packaged by pair for convenience and hygiene.
Excellent for bustiers and strapless dresses.

Locks Away Moisture

Swoobies extend along the crease of the breast, protecting sensitive skin with baby-soft material.
Unique design allows full cleavage coverage or reverse placement for revealing necklines.
Advanced absorbent technology wicks wetness away from skin, locking it within the liner’s core.

Sound amazing? They are!

Comfort & Reliability

Baby soft layers wick away sweat, trapping it deep to keep your skin dry.

Targets Boob Sweat

Swoobies sit along your underboobular region to absorb wetness .

Custom Coverage

Revers liners to opposing cups for discreet protection in the most daring of tops!

How do they work?

Three layers of sweat busting action!

Swoobie liners are made from three layers of highly absorbent materials to wick away sweat, trap it inside and prevent leakage.
This moisture-lock system prevents wetness from passing through, keeping your bra dry and the liners secure.
The unique design enables full lower coverage across the bottom of the breast with versatile placement for full coverage or revealing necklines.

How to apply Swoobie liners

Peel away the liner backing to reveal adhesive – be careful not to stick the adhesive to itself!
Apply each side separately to ensure coverage of your sweatiest spots. After using, simply remove from bra and discard.
Swoobies are meant to sit beneath the nipple to preserve a smooth bustline.

Why they are awesome

More than 30% of respondents said they experience irritation under their breasts due to heat rash, candidiasis (fungal infection), diaper-rashy conditions, or the friction of their sweaty bra’s underwires rubbing beneath their clothes.
Nobody talks about their underboob rash but almost one third of women are experiencing it. Surprise – it’s not just you! We know about it (sucks) and we want to help.
The soft padding of Swoobie’s absorbent core cushions your skin from rubbing underwires and guards against bacteria while locking away excess moisture.

Women have been waiting.

Feel like a sweaty potato?

The gross thing about being super sweaty is where everything below your neck is sopping wet and weirdly slick and you wonder if that after-shower lotion was a huge mistake.

There is NOTHING wrong with you!

Sweat is your body's way of regulating its temperature. Many women feel they sweat excessively, yet most "excess" body sweat is completely normal.

Women have been waiting.

A convenient and affordable solution has finally arrived. Swoobie is launching our first bra liners! Initial stock will be limited, so sign up to find out first!

Prevents Boob Sweat Problems

The Wetness

Sweating makes a bra wet so our chesticles marinate in boob juice all day.

Surprise Odors

Re-wearing your bra?
Once it's too late, you'll realize "that weird smell" is last week's bra funk.


Different body chemistry can cause natural oils to stain or bleach your intimates.

Underboob Rash

Heat rashes and skin fungus are common while wet, rubbing underwires irritate skin.

Hand Washing

Sweaty bras need frequent washing, causing your bra to age more quickly. Who hand washes?

Visible Sweat

It happens - 15% of women report frustration from visible sweat marks.

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    We’re committed to developing a superb product for your comfort and protection.

    Looking for more?

    Swoobie was featured as a product to keep you cool in the “Psyched for Summer” segment on TODAY with Hoda and Jenna.