Baby soft layers wick away sweat, trapping it deep to keep your skin dry.
Swoobies sit along your underboobular region to absorb wetness .
Revers liners to opposing cups for discreet protection in the most daring of tops!
The gross thing about being super sweaty is where everything below your neck is sopping wet and weirdly slick and you wonder if that after-shower lotion was a huge mistake.
Sweat is your body's way of regulating its temperature. Many women feel they sweat excessively, yet most "excess" body sweat is completely normal.
A convenient and affordable solution has finally arrived. Swoobie is launching our first bra liners! Initial stock will be limited, so sign up to find out first!
Sweating makes a bra wet so our chesticles marinate in boob juice all day.
Re-wearing your bra?
Once it's too late, you'll realize "that weird smell" is last week's bra funk.
Different body chemistry can cause natural oils to stain or bleach your intimates.
Heat rashes and skin fungus are common while wet, rubbing underwires irritate skin.
Sweaty bras need frequent washing, causing your bra to age more quickly. Who hand washes?
It happens - 15% of women report frustration from visible sweat marks.